Biblioclasty and libricide

social and political crimes against information and knowledge


  • Felipe Meneses Tello Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Biblioclasty, Biblioclasm, Libricide, Memoricide, Cultural genocide, Ukraine, Censure


The author argues that the meaning of the word "biblioclasty" is closely linked to the destruction of books and the devastation of libraries. Thus, the content of this article deals with four issues: the conceptual framework, the act of censorship, the destruction of books and Ukraine, the current scenario of biblioclasm. In the first point he reflects on the terms biblioclasty, libricide and other related words. In the second issue, the policy of censorship and censorship as a cultural blackout is addressed, considering the phenomenon of censorship as the prelude to biblioclastic or libricidal acts. In the third section, topics related to books and libraries on fire, books on the burning of books and biblioclastia by art are studied. In the fourth matter, the acts of biblioclasty or libricide that are being carried out in the war between Russia and Ukraine are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Meneses Tello, F. (2023). Biblioclasty and libricide: social and political crimes against information and knowledge. Ibersid: Journal of Information and Documentation Systems (ISSNe 2174-081X; ISSN 1888-0967), 17(1), 13–32.


