Artificial Intelligence and judicial decisions

chronicle of an announced transformation


  • Carolina Sanchis Crespo Universidad de Valencia



Artificial Intelligence, Judicial decisions, Robot judge, Judicial decision motivations, Judicial independence, Judicial impartiality


The penetration of AI (artificial intelligence) in our daily lives is becoming increasingly apparent. Its presence is subtly but unstoppably gaining ground. Our justice system cannot remain unaware of this reality. While there are weak versions of AI that pose hardly any legal or ethical problems by simply making our lives easier, strong AI, capable of making decisions on its own, causes suspicion and animosity in equal proportion. Two fundamental questions stem from this perspective. First, whether it is possible that in a nearby future a robot judge will be able to decide on our wealth and/or freedom. Second if it is convenient and safe for it to do so. This article aims to answer both questions. To do so, we use the traditional methodology in law, consisting in consulting a significant number of bibliographical sources and applicable regulations (still work in progress) to formulate our particular approach to the subject. No jurisprudence was consulted for obvious reasons. The article closes with a reflection looking to the future, containing conclusions and lege ferenda’s recommendations for a future regulation of AI in our legal system.


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How to Cite

Sanchis Crespo, C. (2023). Artificial Intelligence and judicial decisions: chronicle of an announced transformation. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 29(2), 65–84.


